Hello students,
Congratulations on making it through an entire year of COVID-19.Because we know you have presentations from many general contractors, and because many of you saw a pared down version of a traditional slide presentation earlier this year at the UW speed meet ups, we thought we’d shake things up a bit. Next fall, when (fingers crossed) we are back to in person, we will return to the traditional model.For our company presentation this year, we’re instead offering a moderated panel discussion highlighting what we are looking forward to.
If you are a UW CM student, please register on handshake, or if you can’t, email me to be directly added to the calendar invite. It will make it much easier for us to include you in the raffle and follow up with further invitations if you are registered in one of these two ways.
Wednesday, Feb. 10, 5:00-5:45pm: Turner Construction Panel Discussion: Looking Forward
Zoom Link: https://tcco.zoom.us/j/97886854487?pwd=akpjbnpEUnlmb2Y1TTRKVDRsbWVzQT09
Topics will include: Industry Building & Social Justice Trends.
Panelists include: Cross-section of Turner’s Seattle office engineering and safety professionals, from new hire to senior management. Those attending this presentation will be entered in our raffle and also invited to be added to a list of students interested in future events (job walks, etc) and employment opportunities.
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